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Acadia Mental Health Initiative

The Acadia Mental Health Initiative seeks to promote mental wellness on campus through a combination of peer support and advocacy. AMHI offers support to individual students struggling with their mental health, and promotes equity and inclusion on campus as a whole through programming and advocacy.

The following are some examples of what the Acadia Mental Health Initiative has to offer:

  • Peer Support – The AMHI coordinator keeps a minimum of 3 office hours a week in the AMHI office (SUB, Room 504) during which time students are welcome to drop by for a listening ear and to learn more about the supports available to them.

  • Weekly Meetings – AMHI hosts weekly meetings where its membership meets to establish and work towards meeting the mission and goals of the organization.

  • Events and Programming – AMHI hosts events and programming throughout the year, most notably Mental Health Week and Chill Week which are held on a semesterly basis.

  • Education and Training – AMHI promotes mental health education and training opportunities, such as ASIST and safeTalk, with the intention of empowering students with knowledge about mental health and mental health crisis situations.

  • Mental Health Resources – AMHI seeks to promote mental health resources available on campus and in the community as well as facilitate conversation with both students and faculty about such resources. Many paper resources are available for student use in Peer Support Centre (SUB, Room 503).

  • The Acadia Mental Health Initiative is an organization run by students, for students. We want to hear from you about how you think Acadia Mental Health Initiative can make the biggest impact on campus this year. Please get in touch with Coordinator at with questions, comments and information on how to get involved.


Contact:pride@acadiau.caThe Acadia Students’ Union (ASU) is happy to provide students with the Peer Support Centre, located in 503 of the NewSUB (up the stairs closest to The Union Market).

If you would like to join the Acadia Mental Health Initiative membership mailing list, please send an email to

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